Ø 工作经历:
(1) 2021.09-至今,吉林大学汽车工程学院能源动力系 讲师
(2) 2022.01-至今,浙江黎明智造股份有限公司 博士后
Ø 教育经历:
(1) 2016.09–2021.07,吉林大学,动力工程及工程热物理 本硕博连读(1/100保送)
(2) 2012.09–2016.07,吉林大学,热能与动力工程(汽车发动机) 本科
Ø 代表性成果:
(1) Zezhou Guo, Xiumin Yu; Yaodong Du; Tianqi Wang; Comparative study on combustion and emissions of SI engine with gasoline port injection plus acetone-butanol-ethanol (ABE), isopropanol-butanol-ethanol (IBE) or butanol direct injection, Fuel, 2022, 316. 123363.
(2) Zezhou Guo, Xiumin Yu, Tao Sang, Zhao Chen, Shike Cui, Mingjia Xu, Longlong Yu. Experimental study on combustion and emissions of an SI engine with gasoline port injection and acetone-butanol-ethanol (ABE) direct injection[J]. Fuel, 2021, 284. 119037.
(3) Zezhou Guo, Xiumin Yu, Guoliang Li, Yao Sun, Zhe Zhao, Decheng Li. Comparative study of different injection modes on combustion and particle emission of acetone-butanol-ethanol (ABE) and gasoline in a dual-injection SI engine[J]. Fuel, 2020, 281. 118786.
(4) Zezhou Guo, Xiumin Yu, Wei Dong, Ping Sun, Weibo Shi, Yaodong Du, Zhen Shang, Zhe Zhao, Decheng Li, Tianqi Wang. Research on the combustion and emissions of an SI engine with acetone-butanol-ethanol (ABE) port injection plus gasoline direct injection[J]. Fuel, 2020, 267. 117311.
(5) Xiumin Yu, Zezhou Guo, Ping Sun, Sen Wang, Anshi Li, Hang Yang, Zhe Li, Ze Liu, Jingyuan Li, Zhen Shang. Investigation of combustion and emissions of an SI engine with ethanol port injection and gasoline direct injection under lean burn conditions[J]. Energy, 2019, 189. 116231.
(6) Xiumin Yu, Zezhou Guo, Ling He, Wei Dong, Ping Sun, Yaodong Du, Zhe Li, Hang Yang, Sen Wang, Haiming Wu. Experimental study on lean-burn characteristics of an SI engine with hydrogen/gasoline combined injection and EGR[J]. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2019, 44(26).
(7) Xiumin Yu, Zezhou Guo, Ling He, Wei Dong, Ping Sun, Weibo Shi, Yaodong Du, Fengshuo He. Effect of gasoline/n-butanol blends on gaseous and particle emissions from an SI direct injection engine[J]. Fuel, 2018, 229. 1-10.
(8) Xiumin Yu, Guanting Li, Yaodong Du, Zezhou Guo, Zhen Shang, Fengshuo He, Qingxu Shen, Decheng Li, Yinan Li. A comparative study on effects of homogeneous or stratified hydrogen on combustion and emissions of a gasoline/hydrogen SI engine[J]. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2019, 44(47).
(9) Xiumin Yu, Guanting Li, Yaodong Du, Zezhou Guo, Zhen Shang, Fengshuo He, Qingxu Shen, Decheng Li, Yinan Li. A comparative study on effects of homogeneous or stratified hydrogen on combustion and emissions of a gasoline/hydrogen SI engine[J]. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2019, 44(47).
(10) 于秀敏,郭泽洲,何丰硕,商震,李冠廷. 一种在发动机高温时防烫伤的膨胀水箱盖、膨胀水箱[P]. 吉林:CN207499971U,2018-06-15. 已授权.专利号:CN201721538704.X.
Ø 主持/参加的科研项目: