1977年考入吉林工业大学内燃机专业,1982年考取吉林工业大学内燃机专业硕士研究生,1985年研究生毕业留校。1991年-1992年作为访问学者赴法国Valenciénne 大学进修。1998年获得博士学位。1994年-2005年4月担任内燃机系主任(兼内燃机研究所所长)。目前但任吉林大学汽车学院教学委员会主任,吉林大学工学部教学委员会副主任。承担的社会职务:中国汽车工程学会理事、中国汽车工程学会代用燃料汽车分会主任。
2012.4-2014.4 中国科学院长春光学精密机械与物理研究所,UAV减振及发动机排气降噪系统开发
2012.1-2014.12 国防科工局基础科研项目GFY121200012
2011.4-2012.3 东风商用车公司项目“五缸机平衡问题及解决措施分析”
2011.11-2012.11 耐热疲劳1.5T机排气歧管技术开发
2006-2010 国家863子项“冷却系统性能与排气消声器性能模拟分析技术2006AA110104-3”,负责
2006-2010 国家863子项“进排气系统NVH分析与控制”(2006AA110104-3)”,负责
2006-2010 吉林省科技厅“冷却系统性能与排气消声器性能模拟分析技术研究”
2009.12-2010.12 高性能轻量化轿车柴油发动机的设计技术研究2008DFB50020
2007-2011 长安出口轿车发动机NVH性能开发
2009.12-2010.12 BM15T发动机配气机构开发
2008-2009 沈阳华晨金杯“1.8升汽油机铸铁水套CFD技术开发”
2009.2-2009.5 沈阳华晨金杯“1.8T发动机扭转振动特性分析”
2009年 湖南奔腾动力公司“D01发动机滚子摇臂配气凸轮型线开发”
1.Peng Li, Zhaocheng Yuan,Cha Guo,Yingxiao Yu,Simulation of Coolant Flow and Heat Transfer for Hydraulic Free Piston Engine Water Jacket,Manufacturing Process and Equipment Vols. 694-697 (2013) pp 570-576
2.Shiyu Li, Zhaocheng Yuan, Jiayi Ma, Meng Liu, Yingxiao Yu,Balance and Vibration Analysis on an In-line Five Cylinders Engine,Advanced Materials Research,Vols. 694-697 (2013) pp 297-301
3.ZhenXin Li, ZhaoCheng Yuan, JiaYi Ma, ShiYu Li,The Performance Simulation of One-way Inlet Valve of Reflux Scavenging Free Piston Engine,Manufacturing Process and Equipment,Vols. 694-697 (2013) pp 582-587
4.Yingxiao Yu, Zhaocheng Yuan, Jiayi Ma, Peng Li,Modeling and Analysis of the Scavenging System for a Two-Stroke Cycle Hydraulic Free Piston Engine,Advanced Materials Research,Vols. 690-693 (2013) pp 3166-3169
5.Yingxiao Yu, Zhaocheng Yuan, Jiayi Ma, Shiyu Li,Multi-dimensional Analysis of NOx and Soot Formation in a Diesel-fueled Hydraulic Free Piston Engine,Materials Design Processing and Application, Vols. 690-693 (2013) pp 2800-2804
6.Yingxiao Yu, Zhaocheng Yuan, Jiayi Ma, Qing Zhu,Numerical Simulation of A Double-acting Stirling Engine in Adiabatic Conditions,Advanced Materials Research,Vols.482-484 (2012)pp 89-94,EI:20121414922677
7.Qing Zhu, Zhaocheng Yuan, Wencui Guo,Yingxiao Yu,Numerical Simulation of Gas Exchange Process in Two Stroke Reverse- loop Scavenging Engines,Advanced Materials Research,Vols.468-471 (2012)pp 259-2264,EI:20121414929305
8.Yuan, Zhao-Cheng; Zhu, Qing; Wang, Ji; Wang, Hong-Zhi; Chang, Study on simulation design method of corrugated tube radiator for automobile,Vol.32(4),2011,page 85-88,EI:20112114006706
9.Zhao Cheng Yuan, Fu Quan Zhao, Hai Bo Chen, and Jia Yi Ma,A Simulation Research on the Noise and Flow of Vehicle Cooling Fans Advanced Materials Research,Vols. 199-200 (2011) pp 988-994,EI:20111113756945
10.Zhao Cheng Yuan, Cheng Ming Wu, Yi Ja Ma, Xiao Feng Li,An Experiment Investigation to the Effect on Measurement Precision of Torsional Vibration,Advanced Materials Research,Vols. 199-200 (2011) pp 995-998(EI20111113756946)
11.Zhao Cheng Yuan, Hua Fang, Fu Quan Zhao,The Experiment Research on Related Factors of Influencing Combustion Noise of iesel Engine, Advanced Materials Research,Vols. 199-200 (2011) pp 1005-1009(EI20111113756948)
12.Sun Yueguo; Yuan Zhaocheng; Li Shiyu; Li Liying, An investigation on the relationship between engine knock and amplitude characteristics of spark plug’s ionic current signals, 2011 International Conference on Electric Information and Control Engineering, ICEICE 2011 – Proceedings, EI:20112714122391
13.Ma, Jiayi1 ; Yuan, Zhaocheng; Zhu, Qing; Yu, Yingxiao, Simulation of active control of engine exhaust noise by variable step tracking 2011 International Conference on Electric Information and Control Engineering, ICEICE 2011 – Proceedings, EI:20112714121391